Wednesday 2 May 2012

Make Maths Workplace Relevant

This article appeared on the BBC website: Here!

I totally agree, the problem being that when we already do this sort of stuff (it's not a new idea) most of the kids will say "I'm never going to do that kind of job". I had over half of my Year 9s claim that they would never work in a office the other week.

Essentially it boils down to child apathy and/or laziness. It doesn't matter what you do, many of the kids can't be bothered, simple as that. Make the curriculum more relevent, they say, but as so few children have any idea or inclination about what to do once they leave school, a lot of money, time and effort will be wasted rewriting the curriculum only for it to be slated by public and politicians alike.

A lose/lose situation.

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