Sunday, 23 September 2012

Longer Hours and Summer School

Money is being pumped into providing summer schools for "disadvantaged" children. What a great idea! Whose going to staff it though? Those with a full-time teaching job might want to do a week or two, but not the whole summer surely, and who will plug the gaps? Those who aren't full-time teachers? And there's probably a reason why they haven't got a job...

The argument above could be irrelevant though as if teachers want to improve their pay packet then they will have to work longer hours, and maybe working in a summer school could be an expectation rather than a choice.

Wilshaw is a vile and "outstandingly" arrogant individual in my opinion, and has an uncanny knack of winding up the people he oversees. But actually his latest comments are fair enough I think. All he's saying is that if you want a pay rise, you have to earn it - no problem there. The trouble is that he's has wound up the teaching profession so that they now automatically jump up and down every time he opens his mouth. To be honest the only thing he has really done wrong is give the anti-teacher group a bone to gnaw on about teachers leaving at 3pm, which rarely happens nowadays, and he really ought to be chastised for it and forced to apologise. He won't.

He made his statements in an interview with The Times on Saturday where the interviewer asked if he was a "control freak". He left the interview asking himself "Am I a control freak?" and I can answer that for you Mike: Yes you are. His arrogance oozes out of every pore as the interviewer suggests that his views on teacher development were "unbending", upon which he stated that everyone should share his views. Having a vision is great, but being so convinced that you have got it right is not healthy, and suggests that you believe that you are superior to everyone else, a trait that could be placed at the door of many a tyrant throughout history.

All in all, teaching has become an undesirable profession, and I fear that in 10 years time there'll be a huge shortage of people willing to enter the profession purely due to the behaviour of today's politicians. Well done folks.

One question I would ask is whether the Head of Ofsted is really worth £180,000 of public money per year? Especially when the person receiving that paycheck thinks of himself as a teaching Clint Eastwood. What an arse!

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